【RILAKKUMA】What on earth is this adorable bear-like character? Unraveling the secrets of Rilakkuma, a laid-back character loved in Japan!

Hello everyone. I'm Boss from Kawaii Republic and today, I'd like to introduce a character that's just like me.
Eh!? A character that looks just like Boss? Is it cute......? I'm Saori from Kawaii Republic, and I'm a bit skeptical.
The similarity is in the personality. Unlike me, it's very cute in appearance! But its identity is too mysterious, I want to introduce this character!

【Rilakkuma】What on earth is this adorable bear-like character? Unraveling the secrets of Rilakkuma, a laid-back character loved in Japan!


What is Rilakkuma?

Rilakkuma is a bear-like character created by San-X Co., Ltd. in 2003.
It looks like a bear......but there is a mysterious zipper on its back, and when you pull down the zipper, you can sometimes see a mysterious polka dot fabric.
So, what appears to be a bear is actually a costume. There is also a pocket on the side of the costume, and no one knows what's inside the costume or who is in there. Whether it's deformed, made into goods, or the pattern changes, the zipper is almost always drawn.
Its personality is basically calm......more than that, it's a character that loves to relax. It may rejoice, be surprised, or feel sad when something happens, but it rarely gets angry. It has a calm(?) personality.
It loves to sleep and laze around, and it also loves to watch TV and soak in hot springs.
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I also love to laze around and watch TV, so I feel nothing but a sense of closeness to this character called Rilakkuma.
That's right, I also feel nothing but a sense of closeness......or rather, I feel like there's no one in this world who doesn't love to laze around and watch TV.
Indeed. That's probably why we feel more affection for Rilakkuma and think it's cute. The zipper on its back is too intriguing, but if you love to laze around and watch TV, please do check out Rilakkuma's merchandise!

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