【Animal Attraction】Cute Animals in Peculiar Situations!? A Gachapon Series That Makes You Chuckle with Its Oddity! Animal Attraction!

Hello everyone. I absolutely love cute animals. I'm Boss from Kawaii Republic.
Hello everyone! I also adore cute animals! I'm Saori from Kawaii Republic!
Boss. The gachapon series we're introducing today...... is a really cute animal series.
That's fantastic. Quick!!! Introduce it quickly!!!!!

【Animal Attraction】Cute Animals in Peculiar Situations!? A Gachapon Series That Makes You Chuckle with Its Oddity! Animal Attraction!

What is Animal Attraction?

Animal Attraction is a quirky animal series released by Stand Stones. It's essentially a gachapon series featuring animals. Some capture the natural charm of animals in 3D, while others combine animals with something else to create unusual animal series.
Not just cute, but the strange combinations and situations bring out the unique charm of Animal Attraction, making you want to keep looking at the lineup with its mysterious allure.
There are some mysterious creatures in the lineup that are cute. It's not just about being cute, but also the oddity that makes you want to zoom in and take a closer look.
Exactly! They're broadly categorized as animals, but some are mysterious creatures you've never seen before and are really cute! The craftsmanship is so detailed, you'll want to look at every part! Everyone, please check out the Animal Attraction page and enjoy this strange world!
Animal Attraction

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