【Sumikko Gurashi】A Very Positive and Cheerful Character! You'll Want to Root for Zasso (Pastito), Who Has Wonderful Dreams!

Hello everyone. I think being positive is a very good thing. I'm Boss from Kawaii Republic.
Hello everyone~! Being positive is good, but it's also okay to have times when you're not so positive. I'm Saori from Kawaii Republic!
The character we're introducing today is also incredibly positive and cute! It seems to have really wonderful and big dreams as well......?

【Sumikko Gurashi】A Very Positive and Cheerful Character! You'll Want to Root for Zasso (Pastito), Who Has Wonderful Dreams!

What is Zasso (Pastito)?

Zasso (Pastito) is a particularly bright and positive character within Sumikko Gurashi.
It's what you would call a “weed” that grows just about anywhere.
However, its personality is very bright and positive, and it has a big and cute dream of “someday being made into a bouquet by a florist.”
It's good friends with Neko but sometimes gets nibbled on by a half-asleep Neko who mistakes it for “cat grass.”
Wanting to become a bouquet is a cute and wonderful dream, isn't it?
Yes, sometimes being mistaken for cat grass by a cat and getting nibbled on is also very cute.
Looking at the merchandise lineup, it seems like quite a lot of goods have been released for this character. Wow, so cute! I can see why this character is getting a lot of attention lately!
Even as merchandise, the smile is wonderful~! Everyone, please not only check out Zasso (Pastito)'s merchandise but also take a look at Sumikko Gurashi's merchandise lineup!
Zasso (Pastito)
Sumikko Gurashi

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