【Yumemiushi】Plushies of nudibranchs that look like sweets! The colorful and incredibly cute Yumemiushi merchandise is very popular!

Hello everyone. When you think of nudibranchs, this is probably the image that comes to mind. I'm Boss from Kawaii Republic.
Hello everyone~! Indeed, when we think of nudibranchs, this is the image that comes to mind. The colors are beautiful, but they seem like something you shouldn't touch too much. I'm Saori from Kawaii Republic.
Exactly, nudibranchs are cute but have a slightly dangerous vibe. However, the nudibranch merchandise we're introducing today is incredibly cute! And they look delicious too!? Here are the trending and eye-catching products!

【Yumemiushi】Plushies of nudibranchs that look like sweets! The colorful and incredibly cute Yumemiushi merchandise is very popular!

What is Yumemiushi?

Yumemiushi is an incredibly cute plushie series released by Sanei Trading Co., Ltd.
The name Yumemiushi combines the Japanese words for 'dream' and 'nudibranch.' Yumemiushis live at the bottom of the ocean in a place called Fantasea.
In Fantasea, there are places like 'the candy coral reef' and 'the starry trench,' where they can eat mysterious candies and stars even under the sea. By eating such colorful and wonderful things and dreaming, Yumemiushis turn into various forms, making them mystical creatures.
Yumemiushis transform into the shapes of the various sweets they have eaten, or take on cute forms inspired by stars.
Oh my~!! How cute! These nudibranchs are so fancy! This is adorable!
Exactly, they all take on the forms of sweets or are inspired by stars. For example, this one looks like pudding.
The cherry on its head is so cute!
And this one here is a crepe.
It doesn't really look like a crepe, does it?
No, if you look at it from the side, it's totally a crepe.
That's true!
Everyone, be sure to check out these adorable Yumemiushi plushies!

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