【Chiikawa】Used for Sake or as Mini Cups in Japan! Chiikawa × Ochoko (Sake Cup) Now Available in Gachapon!

Hello everyone. Today, I’ll introduce ochoko, small cups used in Japan for drinking sake, or for sipping water or juice. I often use these when drinking sake. This is Boss from Kawaii Republic.
Hello everyone! Today, those super cute characters have appeared on ochoko! Plus, they’re available in a gachapon series, making them a bit cheaper than regular ochoko! Let’s check them out right away!

【Chiikawa】Used for Sake or as Mini Cups in Japan! Chiikawa × Ochoko (Sake Cup) Now Available in Gachapon!

Will you drink cola like Chiikawa, or sake like Kuri-Manjuu?
These small and cute traditional Japanese cups, ochoko, now feature Chiikawa characters!

Oh~! How cute! Chiikawa-themed ochoko! They all seem to be drinking soda...... except Kuri-Manjuu, who’s probably drinking sake.
Exactly! These adorable Chiikawa-themed ochoko are available in gachapon! Ochoko are usually made of ceramic, and these gachapon ones are 60ml ceramic cups too! They’re quite rare for gachapon, so they come with a ‘Fragile’ warning!
Ceramic, even though it’s gachapon!? They really went all out......! Everyone, please try using these to drink juice like Chiikawa or real sake like Kuri-Manjuu! The essence of using an ochoko is to enjoy your drink sip by sip, making it taste even better!
Chiikawa Ochoko (Sake Cup)

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