【KYOMU】Just Existing, Doing Nothing...... Yet Strangely Mesmerizing! New Additions to the KYOMU Series Keep Coming!

Hello everyone. Today, I want to introduce a peculiar animal capsule toy series that you just can't stop staring at. They’re cute, yet they embody a sense of emptiness. This is Boss from Kawaii Republic!
Hello everyone! I can’t help but keep looking at them too...... The animals are so cute, and their poses are adorable! Let’s check them out now!

【KYOMU】Just Existing, Doing Nothing...... Yet Strangely Mesmerizing! New Additions to the KYOMU Series Keep Coming!

Just existing...... Their aimless yet cute standing poses are irresistibly charming!
The KYOMU series keeps expanding with new additions!

Cute. Look at the cat lying down in the kitty series.
The theme of this capsule toy series is ‘emptiness.’ Just kind of aimlessly existing. The rounded bodies capturing these moments are incredibly cute! Personally, I love this cat staring aimlessly upwards.
Cute. By the way, I like this one. The cat that's in despair after dropping its ice cream.
Why did you pick such a sad scene? Anyway! The adorable poses and melancholic expressions are incredibly popular! If you check out the KYOMU page, you’re bound to find some animals that captivate your heart! Make sure to take a look!

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