【Chiikawa】Turned Bright Red from the Spiciness! Sweating and Crying Non-Stop......! Huh, the Rabbit Seems Fine? Chiikawa “Too Spicy!” Makes Its Debut!

Hello everyone. When it comes to spicy food, it's curry. Even though I know it's spicy, it's a tempting dish I just can't resist on cold days. I'm the Boss of Kawaii Republic.
Hello everyone~! I don't eat spicy food much~! I'm Saori from Kawaii Republic, and I'm not a big fan of spicy food.
So, this time!...... It's spicy but I can't help wanting to eat it! But it's spicy! We will introduce goods of those adorable characters who are writhing in such spiciness!

【Chiikawa】Turned Bright Red from the Spiciness! Sweating and Crying Non-Stop......! Huh, the Rabbit Seems Fine? Chiikawa “Too Spicy!” Makes Its Debut!

Eating curry as spicy as a devil's, turned bright red!? Goods of Chiikawa, who turned red in the “Demon Curry Edition”, are being released one after another!

Wow~!! You're eating curry that looks spicy......!
Chiikawa and Hachiware seem to be suffering, but I'm curious that the rabbit isn't sweating at all...... Like this, there was an episode where Chiikawa went to eat super spicy curry together, and goods related to that have been released.
Even looking at these cute goods, I'm still curious about the rabbit not sweating......
Chiikawa and the others are sweating and crying so much, it must be really spicy...... Everyone, please! Especially those who like spicy things, try this spicy curry and check out the goods of Chiikawa who turned bright red!
Chiikawa “Too Spicy!”

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