【Nemuneko】 Characters of slightly sleepy cats! The plushies from the popular cat merchandise series Nemuneko are super cute!

Hello everyone...... I'm sleepy. Boss from Kawaii Republic here.
Oh no!! It's been hot or cold at night lately...... When it's like that, let's just sleep. Saori from Kawaii Republic here.
No, can't do that. But the super cute characters I'm introducing today...... are very sleepy-looking, very round, and fluffy characters!

【Nemuneko】 Characters of slightly sleepy cats! The plushies from the popular cat merchandise series Nemuneko are super cute!

What is Nemuneko?

Nemuneko are very cute cat characters that look sleepy with their eyes narrowed.
These cats have become adorably round-bodied from constantly sleeping. They usually look sleepy with narrowed eyes, but even when awake, their eyes are narrow. Sometimes they suddenly open their eyes wide or stand up on all fours, but their short legs don't change their sitting height much.
By the way, although they are cat characters, they are also friends with mice. They spend every day relaxing and chilling with various characters.
Oh~! Such cute cats! It's adorable how they get along with other mice and animals!
Right, the merchandise with their narrow eyes is super cute, and the plushies are fluffy and cute too~!
Cute~! They have an oval, mochi-like style, so they're cute like cushions!
It's soft and very squishy, but don't use it as a pillow! Everyone, especially if you love cats, should definitely check out this Nemuneko series!

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