【Chiikawa】Cute...... But Not Just That!? Small Yet Super Big! The Mysterious Creature Kabutomushi, Such a Character!

Hello everyone. There are characters with small bodies but big hearts, right? I'm Boss from Kawaii Republic, and I love such characters.
Hello, everyone~! The essence of a character isn't just about looks! I believe Chiikawa teaches us that too. I'm Saori from Kawaii Republic!
It seems the Chiikawa character we're introducing today also has such features! The merchandise looks cute too, let's check it out right away!

【Chiikawa】Cute...... But Not Just That!? Small Yet Super Big! The Mysterious Creature Kabutomushi, Such a Character!

Who is Kabutomushi?

Kabutomushi is a small friend of Chiikawa.
One day, in the depths of a certain cave, Chiikawa found this mysterious creature. It was in a cave with iron bars, as if imprisoned, and when Chiikawa and friends accidentally opened the switch of the bars, Kabutomushi came out.
After that, it followed Chiikawa, who had let it out of the cave, and Chiikawa, who had grown fond of it, took care of it. Yoroi-San initially felt apprehensive as it was an unknown creature, but eventually accepted it due to its small, harmless, and adorable nature.
But what happened next......?
It seems like something incredible appeared in the last illustration......
It must be your imagination. So, recently, with Kabutomushi appearing in anime too, there's been a rapid increase in its merchandise! Look, how cute!
True! This is definitely cute......!
It seems it hasn't reappeared since its first appearance, but there's a fair amount of merchandise released, so please check it out!
Kabutomushi (Chiikawa)

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